Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Sotong masak kunyit.

Back in college, we used to go to 6th college and had our dinner there.

One of the food I used to order is sotong masak kunyit.yummy!!

So here I am trying to cook sotong masak kunyit because I can't find one in la la land.
Of course lah takder kan.

So here's the ingredients.

Squid.Clean and cut.Sukahati lah nak potong besar mana.
Tumeric powder/ Tepung Kunyit.

Big onion.Sliced
Ginger chopped.
Bird's eye chili.slice.

1.Mix the squid and tumeric powder.Mix evenly.
2.Heat the oil.Add in the squid.Stir around till all the water comes out.
3.Toss aside.
4.Heat the oil again.Saute the onion,ginger,chili, till it turns brown a bit.
5.Add in the carrot.Stir around.
6.Add in the squid.Salt to taste.

*Don't cook squid too long if not it will taste like rubber later.*

Cucur udang ,my kitchen version.

Cucur udang is like my fave food in this world and its really damn easy to make.
What you need is just prawn and flour and salt to taste.

Well you can add in some onion also in between.

Anyway this is my version of cucur udang.

Prawn. Deshelved. *I prefer to throw away the shelves.*
Self raising flour.Main agak-agak jer sukatan
Big Onions chopped.
Carrots, grated.Pending how much you want it.* suka-suka jer add carrot*
Salt to taste.
Oil for frying.

1.Mix the flour and water.Not to 'cair' and not too thick.Need to have the 'just nice' combination.
2.Add in the carrot,onion,prawns and salt to taste.

3.Fry in small batches.Once it turns golden brown, lift and pat the excess oil with kitchen towel.
4.Serve with chili sauce.

Butter Prawn

Last weekend, kak mas and I decided to do some experiment in kitchen.
Cooking butter prawn.

Google here and there.
You tube here and there.

So finally this is our version.

Prawns.We cut away the heads.
Butter *we bought the 200gm*
Chopped garlics.
Curry leaves.
Bird's eye chili.*can skip out if you are not die hard of chili*
2 egg yolks.
1 small can of evaporated milk.
Cooking oil for frying.

Semua sukatan main agak-agak.

1.Melt quarter of the butter in the pan.Add in some cooking oil to prevent the butter getting brown in colour.Then add in the egg yolks.Stir around till it turns till golden colour.Toss aside.

2.Deep fry the prawn.

3.Melt the butter and add in some cooking oil.Saute the garlic,chili.Once it turns brown a bit campak in the prawns.Add in the curry leaves.Stir around for a while and then add in the evaporated milk.maybe around half can of the milk.

4.Serve in plate.Take the golden colour thingy from the first cooking and walaaa ready to be eaten.

baked chicken my style.

Since I'm exiting soon my dapur sudah lama tidak berasap.
No mood to cook already.
But then since my dear kakak-kakak request for the 'ayam panggang' I can't say No to them since I'm the one yang always 'makan free' at their house.
One month balik kampung for raya and they are so surprise to see I lose my weight.
See how much they feed me here..hehe

Ok now back to the recipe.

1 whole chicken.
Salt and pepper.
Rosemary or any herbs you want to use.
Lemon cut into half.
Olive oil.
Carrot * I use baby carrot*
Garlic.* 2-3 bunch of it,pending if you like roast garlic*
A can of kernel corns.
Potatoes..cut into cubes.
Big onions.cut and slice.

1.Clean the chicken, marinate it with salt and pepper and rosemary.
* I usually marinate the chicken for a day or 2-3 hours before cooking*

2.Stuff the lemon inside the chicken cavity.

3.Add in the carrot,corns,potatoes and garlic.Can add in pumpkin if you want too.
Just throw in anything you want to roast actually.I just love roast garlic.Roasted garlic taste like caramel.And roast pumpkin is finger licking good.But no pumpkin in the ref.

4.Dribble some olive oil on the chicken and vegetables.

5.Cook the chicken for about an hour in 180 celcius oven.If not sure just prick the thigh.The juices should run clear and the meat is tender.

Easy rite?
just campak jer..hehe

Saturday, September 18, 2010

7up Prawn.

Months ago during one of the party, one of my colleagues had cook 7up prawns.
Yep, prawns cooked with 7up.
It was really easy to cook.

What you need is:

Prawns preferably with it shells.
1 can of 7up
Chopped garlic.
1 teaspoon of sugar.
Salt to taste.
Vegetable oil or any oil to fry.

1.Saute the chop garlic till it turns brown.
2.Pour in the shrimp.
3.Pour 1/2 can of the 7up.
4.Salt too taste.
5.Cook it till the 7up evaporates.*when it nearly evaporates put the sugar in*
6.Stir it for few minutes.When its dry ready to be eaten.


Monday, September 13, 2010

Carrot cake

I was sent home by my Charge Nurse because of the low census.Blame it on the festive season.But hey I'm not complaining anything. :)

So I decided to bake some cake today,something new.
And wallaa..Carrot cake pops up in my mind.Plus my brother advise to eat more vegetable.
So I'm baking a healthy cake. :P

Goggle for the recipe.
*The wonder of googling*

And decided to try one from Joy Of Baking.

One word.

So here is my version of carrot cake.

1 cup of walnuts.
2 1/2 cups of grated carrot.
2 cups of all purpose flour.
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/12 teaspoon baking powder.
1/2 teaspoon salt.
1 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon.
4 large eggs.

1 1/2 cups granulated sugar.
1 cup vegetable oil.
2 teaspoon vanilla extract.

Cream cheese frosting.

1/4 cup butter.
227 gram of cream cheese.
2 cups icing/confectionery sugar.
1 teaspoon vanilla extract.
1 teaspoon finely grated lemon zest.

1.Preheat the oven at 180 Celsius and grease the pans.
2.Toast the nuts till its lightly brown and fragrant.Let it cool and chop it coarsely.
3.Whisk the flour,salt,baking soda,baking powder,cinnamon.Set aside.
4.Beat the eggs till it turns frothy with mixer.
5.Gradually add the sugar and beat it till the batter turns thick and light in colour.
6.Add the oil slowly and beat it together with vanilla extract.
7.Add the flour mixture.Beat it till mix together.
8.With spatula mix together the carrot and chopped walnuts.
9.Pour the mixture to the pan and bake for 45 minutes or till the center of the cakes comes out clean.

once bake remove and let it cool.
slice the cake into 2.*if you want too*

Cream cheese frosting.

1.Mix the butter and cheese together with mixer.Beat with low speed till no lumps.
2.Gradually add in the icing sugar.
3.Once mix well,add in the vanilla extract and lemon zest.

Once the cake is cool.Spread the frosting on top of both cakes and sandwich it together.
Ready to eat!!

I brought the cake to my ward to get some review and here is what my charge nurse have to say.Apparently her favorite cake is carrot cake.Perfect person to comment.

The frosting is too sweet to her liking.She advise to cut down the sugar to 1 cup and add more of the cheese, probably till 300 gram.
Don't grate the carrot to fine.Can't really see the carrot.
But the rest of the cake..THUMBS UP. *beaming with pride*

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Death by Chocolate Cake

Lisa is one of my childhood friends cum neighbour.
Basically we grew up together.
Now both of us are on different sides of the world
And I stilll remember fondly our kitchen experience.
Cooking maggi mee at her house and 'curi' telur from my house.LoL

Anyway last month I saw her Death by Chocolate Cake in her Facebook album, and immediately I ask for the recipe.
Bake it a month late because I was busy looking for Golden syrup.
Can't find it any of the hypermarkets here.From Carefour to Giant.In the end I ask for her opinion.
Well she said I can substitute it with honey.

Anyway here is the recipe.
I just cut and paste it from my email.
And lisa,thanks for the great recipe.


  • 2 cups sugar (blended sugar)
  • 2 cups flour
  • 3 eggs (big size)
  • 1 cup coco powder
  • 1 cup of milk
  • 1 cup of refine cooking oil (sunflower, soya bean oil will do)
  • 1 cup of hot water
  • 1 tsp soda bikarbonat 
  • 1 tsp baking powder 
  • 1 tsp esen vanila 
  • **For the Ganache**
  • 2 cups of  non dairy whipping cream
  • 500g cooking chocolate
  • 1/8 cup of golden syrup
  • ##For whipped cream
  • 1 cup non dairy whipping cream


  1. Mix flour +koko powder+soda bikarbonat+baking powder (mix together and sieve it)
  2. Beat the blended sugar with eggs and then add the vanilla essence
  3. Add the milk and oil into the mixture and mix well
  4. mix well all the flour+coco powder+baking powder+soda bikarbonat into the mixture above
  5. Then add hot water and mix again
  6. Bake it in the oven for 45 minutes on 175-189 for about 45 mins 
  7. **For ganache**
  8. Boil whipping cream on the stove
  9. Once its boil, switch it off and add the cooking chocolate. stir until it melt
  10. Add golden syrup and mix well
  11. Take out 1 cup of Ganache and keep the rest in a fridge 
  12. ##For whipped cream..Beat 1 cup of whipping cream untill soft peak, then add 1 cup of Ganache (the one u took out from step no. 11)
  13. Once the cake is done, let it cool down then slice the cake into 2  layers. Add the whipped cream that u prepared on step no. 12 in between the cake and all over the cake) keep the cake in the fridge for 30 minutes
  14. After 30 mins, take out the cake from the fridge and take out rest of the ganache (the one u kept in the fridge on step no.11) Pour it all over the cake and again keep it in the fridge for few hours before serving to 'set' it,.. and ready to eat.
  15. Ready to eat!!! this cake is nice to be eaten as it is without the cream and Ganache,.. or u can serve it with vanilla ice cream too,,.. depends how much u loveeee chocolate,.. if u loveeeeee chocolate, u can make the Ganeche,.. the taste is soooooo soooooo sooooo rich in chocolate!!!

* I only use 200g of cooking chocolate as I wrongly saw the label but anyway it comes out fine.I guess it would be less 'chocolaty' and I use honey instead of Golden Syrup.*
