Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Sotong masak kunyit.

Back in college, we used to go to 6th college and had our dinner there.

One of the food I used to order is sotong masak kunyit.yummy!!

So here I am trying to cook sotong masak kunyit because I can't find one in la la land.
Of course lah takder kan.

So here's the ingredients.

Squid.Clean and cut.Sukahati lah nak potong besar mana.
Tumeric powder/ Tepung Kunyit.

Big onion.Sliced
Ginger chopped.
Bird's eye chili.slice.

1.Mix the squid and tumeric powder.Mix evenly.
2.Heat the oil.Add in the squid.Stir around till all the water comes out.
3.Toss aside.
4.Heat the oil again.Saute the onion,ginger,chili, till it turns brown a bit.
5.Add in the carrot.Stir around.
6.Add in the squid.Salt to taste.

*Don't cook squid too long if not it will taste like rubber later.*

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