Sunday, August 22, 2010

Death by Chocolate Cake

Lisa is one of my childhood friends cum neighbour.
Basically we grew up together.
Now both of us are on different sides of the world
And I stilll remember fondly our kitchen experience.
Cooking maggi mee at her house and 'curi' telur from my house.LoL

Anyway last month I saw her Death by Chocolate Cake in her Facebook album, and immediately I ask for the recipe.
Bake it a month late because I was busy looking for Golden syrup.
Can't find it any of the hypermarkets here.From Carefour to Giant.In the end I ask for her opinion.
Well she said I can substitute it with honey.

Anyway here is the recipe.
I just cut and paste it from my email.
And lisa,thanks for the great recipe.


  • 2 cups sugar (blended sugar)
  • 2 cups flour
  • 3 eggs (big size)
  • 1 cup coco powder
  • 1 cup of milk
  • 1 cup of refine cooking oil (sunflower, soya bean oil will do)
  • 1 cup of hot water
  • 1 tsp soda bikarbonat 
  • 1 tsp baking powder 
  • 1 tsp esen vanila 
  • **For the Ganache**
  • 2 cups of  non dairy whipping cream
  • 500g cooking chocolate
  • 1/8 cup of golden syrup
  • ##For whipped cream
  • 1 cup non dairy whipping cream


  1. Mix flour +koko powder+soda bikarbonat+baking powder (mix together and sieve it)
  2. Beat the blended sugar with eggs and then add the vanilla essence
  3. Add the milk and oil into the mixture and mix well
  4. mix well all the flour+coco powder+baking powder+soda bikarbonat into the mixture above
  5. Then add hot water and mix again
  6. Bake it in the oven for 45 minutes on 175-189 for about 45 mins 
  7. **For ganache**
  8. Boil whipping cream on the stove
  9. Once its boil, switch it off and add the cooking chocolate. stir until it melt
  10. Add golden syrup and mix well
  11. Take out 1 cup of Ganache and keep the rest in a fridge 
  12. ##For whipped cream..Beat 1 cup of whipping cream untill soft peak, then add 1 cup of Ganache (the one u took out from step no. 11)
  13. Once the cake is done, let it cool down then slice the cake into 2  layers. Add the whipped cream that u prepared on step no. 12 in between the cake and all over the cake) keep the cake in the fridge for 30 minutes
  14. After 30 mins, take out the cake from the fridge and take out rest of the ganache (the one u kept in the fridge on step no.11) Pour it all over the cake and again keep it in the fridge for few hours before serving to 'set' it,.. and ready to eat.
  15. Ready to eat!!! this cake is nice to be eaten as it is without the cream and Ganache,.. or u can serve it with vanilla ice cream too,,.. depends how much u loveeee chocolate,.. if u loveeeeee chocolate, u can make the Ganeche,.. the taste is soooooo soooooo sooooo rich in chocolate!!!

* I only use 200g of cooking chocolate as I wrongly saw the label but anyway it comes out fine.I guess it would be less 'chocolaty' and I use honey instead of Golden Syrup.*


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